Bryce Sunrise Tour

Bryce Sunrise Tour

  • 3 hours of shooting

  • not strenuous

Due to popular demand for guiding and instruction we offer custom Bryce photo tours. The unique rock formations known as Hoodoos that decorate the amphitheaters at Bryce Canyon National Park beg to be photographed as the morning sun stretches over the canyon.  Photographing at sunrise is the best time to shoot as the sun is at a low angle in the sky offering soft golden light emphasizing the red and orange in the rock!  



- For sunrise tours we meet 1 hour prior to sunrise, and photograph for 3 hours.

- Expect to visit approximately 3 locations during your experience.

- Little to short light hiking involved. (Customized to meet your needs and wants).

- Meeting location is Ruby's Inn Lobby; 26 South Main St, Bryce Canyon, UT 84764



- $289 per photographer 

-Non-photographer - $99 plus tax

**Make trip private for an additional $275

**Book 3 or more tours to receive a 10% discount (with the exception of Aerial)


-30 days or more before trip receives full refund

-Between 30 days and 24 hours prior to the trip receives 75% refund

-Within 24 hours of the trip there is no cancellation/refund

-If there is unacceptable weather than there will be a full refund/trip transfer

Recommended Gear

- Wide angle lens (10mm-24mm)

- Mid-range lens

- Telephoto lens

- Ultra telephoto (if you have one)

- Tripod

- Extra batteries and memory cards

- Gradated neutral density filters

- Polarized filter

- Normal personal gear (food, water, warm cloths, sunscreen…)